Scorpio 2019 Annual Horoscope

–     What are some general qualities you'll find in most Scorpios? Scorpio go all in! They are very passionate people. With a reputation for their strong sex appeal, this sign is known for being the sign best lovers of the zodiac. Oh lala!! However, if you are attracted to a Scorpio you should know…what they really crave is deep intimate connection!!

        Scorpio’s are deep, and capable of profound insights. They are keen observers and are the natural detectives of the zodiac. Scorpio’s make great friends, because of their fierce loyalty, and natural intuitiveness. You can definitely rely on them to share your inner most feelings. They are natural space holders for bridging intimacy and connection. So if you can’t go deep, and prefer to keep things light and airy, then keep on walking. Scorpio’s have no time for the superficial. As a fixed-water feminine sign, Scorpio’s are the shadow workers of the zodiac. They have the ability to go deep into what is hidden, and bring things out into the light. They are catalysts of transformation, and throughout their lives they will go through many symbolic deaths, on their journey towards healing. Scorpios have strong endurance and perseverance. Once they want something they will persevere with a determined focus, even if it takes years to accomplish their goals.  





What is the general overlook of the Scorpio’s 2019 year? 

         Scorpio this is your year to reel in the dough! With the great benefic Jupiter spending most the year in your second house, you will likely see an increase in your financial flow. As money flows in, your shopping habits will also increase. But that’s ok, let it flow, you’re getting the cosmic abundance beams through December this year so why not treat yourself!  You will also see a boost in your confidence and energy levels as well. So put yourself out there, and step it up when it comes to financial matters! Manifestation is your mantra in 2019! You will have the manifestation babe glow this year, so perhaps it is time to  invest in some Law of Attraction books or audio downloads, to take full advantage of your golden astrological alignment this year. This is a year to really sift through your belief system, and shed any beliefs of scarcity or fear of abundance. Sure you have been through a lot, and survived living with less at times. But the universe is really asking you to dig deep, and shift your mindset this year, so that you can continue to propel into a more abundant life for years to come!

          Saturn will be hanging out in your third house and is asking you to shape up the way you communicate and think. Perhaps you will say less and listen more. This is your year to really dive deep onto mindfulness and refine the way you express yourself. You have no time for acquaintances that just want to gossip. You will distance yourself from these types of people. You are a Scorpio after all, but you will be drawing the boundaries even more with those you choose to associate with.  With the eclipses on the third and ninth house axis you could find yourself going back to school or learning something new as well. It is a good time to invest in yourself and expand your knowledge.


In love- Mars your ancient ruler will enter your house of significant relationships on Valentines Day this year, making for a steamy romantic night! Mars will continue his journey in your house of relationships until March 30th, so you will be putting more effort into significant relationships during this time. Things can get very passionate during this transit. However, at the same time mars carries the warrior energy so you could be more inclined to lover’s quarrels at this time. It comes with the territory. Hopefully, the make up sex will be worth it! Another big shift in your relationships will happen on March 6, 2019 when Uranus, the planet known as the great awakener, sends a cosmic blast to your relationship house. You had a brief visit from Uranus here last spring, and got a taste of what is to come. But then it went retrograde back into Aries for one last visit to your house of work and health. So what will Uranus bring? Well it is hard to pin point because Uranus is the planet of surprises. Single Scorpio’s and Scorpio rising signs could meet some one rather unexpectedly, and things could move forward rather quickly. Running off to Vegas to exchange wedding vows? Hey… with Uranus here it could happen! Attached Scorpio’s may need to let go of the reigns a little, because your partner may need a little more autonomy. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but could be just a matter of life circumstances, such as work demands or family needs. Your sweetie may decide to shift careers so they me need to put more effort there now. Perhaps it is you that is the busy one…it could go either way with Uranus. No doubt this will be a very liberating time for you in relationships. Not to fret… on March 26th through April 19th, Aphrodite will be throwing her Venusian charms your way! This will be a prime time for romantic dates, with more pleasure and fun times to be had! On May 15th through June 7 Venus will be sending some cosmic blessings toward your relationships, so despite work and family demands, make an effort to schedule some one on one time with your honey! If a significant relationship is no longer serving your highest good, Uranus may be a catalyst for ending such a relationships. Sudden endings are karmic so let it flow.

        For those single Scorpio’s…. Mercury retrograde could possibly bring back a past lover! Especially during March 5th through the 27th when transiting your 5th house of romance.


Career/money? Are you looking for a raise? This could be your year to finally get that promotion. On January 22nd the two benefics, Venus and Jupiter align in your money making house. This is a great time to ask for a raise if you have been wanting to for a while now.  For those who are entrepreneurs, you could land yourself an affluent client during this time.  With Uranus moving back to Taurus those early born Scorpio’s will have Uranus opposing your sun. For some of you there could be career changes this year. Be open to new surprising opportunities and shifts when it comes to your career in 2019. From January through March Uranus will be finishing up it’s cycle in Aries in your 6th house. So be open to changes at work they are inevitable and could be quite liberating.

         Practice mindfulness in communications with coworkers during July 7th through to the 30th as the cosmic messenger mercury turns retrograde and sends out his trickster vibes in your area of work. This is a good time to review, and edit your work with a fine-toothed comb. Finish up the old work projects that have been hanging around your desk for way too long.

        Mercury will spend some time retrograde in your sign Scorpio from October 31st to November 19th. This is a perfect time to reflect on your career goals, and get back to manifesting the career of your dreams! Perhaps start a daily visualization practice, to help speed along the manifestation process!


Travel- With the north node in Cancer this year you may have the urge to travel overseas. This is definitely possible! On July 2nd we have a new moon solar eclipse in Cancer happening in the area of life that rules long distance travel. Perhaps, an opportunity to broaden your horizons while traveling off to a far away place! Your work could also give you opportunities to travel while Saturn is transiting your 3rd house this year.




Family and friends- With Uranus camped out in your 7th house beginning in March, you could meet new people this year that are very different then you. This could be the perfect medicine for you to help you shift your thinking and outlook on life. These new people could also bring much more excitement to your life! Although you will be serious minded, take time for some fun and allow your self to shift out of your comfort zone this year! The third house rules siblings, Saturn could bring more responsibilities on behalf of a sibling. Collectively we have the North Node in Cancer, and South node in Capricorn. We will have to find a balance between these two areas of life in 2019.


Have a blessed year!

Helene Cierzo, Heart House Astrology